how to make charcoal in minecraft

how to make charcoal in minecraft

how to make charcoal in minecraft, Charcoal falls out of destroyed coal ore. Coal is very efficient as a stove fuel, as it has the highest energy consumption (burns 80 seconds) compared to all other fuels (after a bucket of lava and a fire rod). Also, coal is the only type of fuel that can be used to power a trolley with a stove, setting it in motion. Coal can be folded into a charcoal block for more compact storage . In addition, the coal block burns in the furnace for a very long time.

Coal is also called: charcoal.

charcoal is present in Minecraft versions: 1.8.2, 1.8.1, 1.8, 1.7.10, 1.7.9, 1.7.5, 1.6.4, 1.5.2.

Tricks and secrets

What if you have mined a lot of coal?

If you managed to extract a lot of coal, then it is better to put it in blocks for compact storage so as not to leave the mine. What if you could not find coal?

If on the first night it was not possible to find coal, then you can make charcoal (for example, to create torches) …

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Minecraft how to make charcoal?

Charcoal is made by burning in a kiln. Used for torch recipes, stove fuel, etc.

Ingredients: wood 2 pieces.

Also used in Torch, Fireball, Charcoal Block, and Cooking Chicken recipes.

Interesting: the most profitable way to make charcoal is this way. We take 7 wood and cut one into boards. We burn the remaining 6 blocks of wood with boards. These 6 blocks of coal can melt 48 items instead of 42 (if you take 7 blocks of wood). Is it profitable? The truth takes a little more …


There are two ways to get charcoal. The first is to get it with a pickaxe, but if you have just started playing and do not see coal ore coming to the surface in the vicinity (it is the most common ore in the game), you should not go underground to get it without a set of torches and normal tools. There remains the second way to get coal – a stove and wood.

In any case, first of all, get four or five blocks of wood from the nearest tree, make boards from them by placing them in the character window in one of the four crafting slots (crafting is the creation of items). From the two planks you get, make eight sticks. To do this, place the boards one above the other in the crafting window; two boards make four sticks. You will need them to create an ax and a pickaxe. With an ax you will get a tree, and a pickax – a cobblestone for the stove. Place four more boards in a square to make a workbench. Unlike the four crafting slots in the window …

Whatever base block of material you melt in the Minecraft game reality, almost all recipes require a small amount of coal.

Where is it applied?

In addition to recipes for smelting many types of ore and materials – coal, it can set in motion a trolley with a stove without any problems. Since it is the only fuel that can do it. And also coal can burn for a long time – 80 seconds, in the game it is quite enough (a day is equal to 20 minutes).

Search locations

Where to look for a coal mine and how to get a fossil, spending a minimum of resources?

This is what coal ore looks like

In order to do this as quickly as possible, you need to know that there is coal ore at every level, accounting for approximately 1.5% of all rocks. This means that coal can be mined along the way with other valuable rocks. It is enough for the player to inspect the caves, wander the rocks, go into the mine or go deeper into the ground. Seeing deposits of coal ore, we break them with a pickaxe …

How to make charcoal in Minecraft?

All Minecraft fans will confirm that this game is unique as its world is open and offers a wide variety of possibilities. When you start playing, you have absolutely nothing, and you will have to extract and manufacture everything you need yourself. First of all, you will need resources, which you cannot do without, since various items are created from them, including tools and mechanisms. The most important and valuable resources include coal, diamonds and obsidian.

How to make coal in minecraft

Coal is needed for cooking, as well as for making torches, which will be necessary for you. Coal is the most common material, but this does not diminish its value. In the process of mining coal ore, there is a certain chance of gaining experience.

Coal can be found in caves, and is often found on the surface. When you first start playing, you shouldn’t go deep underground as it is still quite …

Before you learn how to make coal in Minecraft, note that it is one of the main things in Minecraft. Coal is used for torches (a piece of coal is crossed with one stick and you get a craft torch), which give light, which allows you to find precious stones (diamonds) and various metals (gold, iron) in caves . Therefore, players who are in the mood for a serious game are advised to stock up on several torches in order to use them, if necessary, and, accordingly, coal. A stove or minecar with an engine also requires the use of coal.

Charcoal mining methods

There are two methods of coal mining – a simple one and a more complex one, which involves making it by melting coal ore into clean coal. The easy way involves finding coal in numerous caves offered to players in the latest versions of Minecraft. The second method is remelting. Before you can make charcoal in Minecraft according to this principle, you need to extract coal ore from …

Coal in minecraft is mined from coal ore, which can be found at any depth and mined with any pickaxe, immediately after coal ore is broken, coal falls out of it. Coal is used to create torches, as fuel for a stove, for crafting a fireball and a coal block. Coal ore can be obtained by enchanting a pickaxe with a silk touch, and then ordinary coal can be obtained from coal ore by melting it in a furnace. In the game, it is much easier to get charcoal, which has the same properties as regular charcoal.

How to get charcoal in Minecraft

Coal is easiest to get by exploring the high mountains , looking around the mountain, among the stones you will see coal blocks. Also, a large amount of coal can be found in underground mines.


Craft: Torch, Coal Block, Fireball As fuel in …

In order to achieve high levels of skill in Minecraft, you must learn how to create objects and substances, which will then be useful to you for making more complex objects and tools.

Coal is used to smelt ore in a furnace. How to make charcoal in Minecraft? It’s as easy as shelling pears! Take a log that you cut down with a diamond ax, burn it in a furnace – this way you can get charcoal. You will have to get coal in special mines, which is very logical.


The charcoal you crafted in the stove can be used for the torch recipe, stove fuel, and so on. You need to throw 2 units of wood into the furnace, as a result, a pile of charcoal will immediately appear in front of you.

In order to get more detailed information on Minecraft how to make charcoal, we recommend watching a special video. The more coal you can mine, the more …

Coal in Minecraft, like in ordinary life, is used as fuel for the stove. Compared to other fuels, it burns the longest, as much as 80 seconds. Coal, in addition to its direct purpose, is used in the crafting of a torch, fireball, etc. You can get coal by burning wood in a furnace.

The recipe for making in the photo:

And here is one trick when crafting coal: we take 7 blocks of wood, break one block into boards and use them to burn the remaining 6 blocks in 6 units. coal. The resulting blocks of coal can melt 48 items instead of 42. From this, this method of making coal is considered more efficient, but time consuming.

Interesting Coal Facts:

It is a renewable resource and can also be obtained from Wither Skeletons

Its textures have changed since version …

Today we’ll talk about how to make charcoal in Minecraft. One of the most important factors for survival can be called light, since aggressive monsters do not appear in bright rooms, and friendly ones tend to such places. The easiest way to provide a character with light is to create a sufficient number of torches. They are made from coal and wood.

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Step 1

There are 2 ways to get coal. First of all, you can get it with a pickaxe. However, at the beginning of the game, in the absence of coal ore in the vicinity, which comes to the surface (the most common), you should not go underground in an attempt to get the necessary element without tools and a set of torches.

There is also a second way. We can get coal using a stove and wood. So, we get this element. We need four or five blocks of wood, which should be found nearby. We make the boards we need from them. To do this, place them in the character window, or rather on one of the 4 …

Hey! Finally, we will talk with you about the subject, which, in theory, should be the hallmark of Minecraft. Of course, you first need to download minecraft, so if suddenly you haven’t done it yet, now is the time for that! Come on, polyglots, how is this our adored Minecraft translated from English? Exactly, a miner’s craft. And what are mines associated with? That’s right, with coal. Here it is, coal (u.), We will learn to mine. So, put on your helmets and come down to us.

Coal in Minecraft is a very high-quality fuel for stoves, as it is characterized by excellent energy consumption. The burning period is 80 seconds, which is a lot. In addition, this type of fuel is a “monopolist” in the use of a trolley with a stove. Nothing else can set this transport in motion. Coal is mined in Minecraft from u. ore, which, by the way, is the most common in the game. So finding it won’t be a big problem. It is enough to wander under …

Step 2

There are two ways to get coal. The first is to get it with a pickaxe, but if you have just started playing and do not see coal ore coming to the surface in the vicinity (it is the most common ore in the game), you should not go underground to get it without a set of torches and normal tools. There remains the second way to get coal – a stove and wood.

In any case, first of all, get four or five blocks of wood from the nearest tree, make boards from them by placing them in the character window in one of the four crafting slots (- this). From the two planks you get, make eight sticks. To do this, place the boards one above the other in the crafting window; two boards make four sticks. You will need them to create a pickaxe. With an ax you will get a tree, and a pickax – a cobblestone for the stove. Place four more boards in a square to make. Unlike the four crafting slots in the character window, the workbench provides nine, which allows you to craft a tool.

how to get Charcoal

Open the workbench, create tools. For Kirk, take the top horizontal board and place two glasses vertically in the middle, the ax being two identical sticks vertically and three boards occupying the corners.

charcoal in minecraft

Fall some trees, part of the recycled wood blocks on the boards, you will use as fuel. Open the stove interface, insert as many boards as possible into the bottom of the cell, in the top wood. Wait a while until the wood turns to charcoal. From usual it’s just different with the title.

After receiving the coal, make a torch from the stick and coal, located on each other in the craft, make a pick stick and cobblestone. Go with torches and pick-ups on coal ore quests and extractions to nearby caves, but don’t burn too deep. Go to explore the caves, take a little tree with you. Once you have enough coal, you can build a torch in its place.

Having enough torches and mystery, it is very easy to produce coal, because coal ore is found at the height of a large core, so it will be enough in any cave.

Hey! Finally, we will talk about the subject, which, in theory, should be a business card minecraft. Of course, you first need to download Minecraft, so if you suddenly don’t, now is the time for this! And well, polyglot, how does that translate from this most loved minecraft aglitsky? Definitely, mining craft. And what are mines with what they are associated with? That’s right, with coal. Here it is, coal (y.), we will learn to mine. So put on a helmet and come to us.

Mineral search and characteristics

Coal in Minecraft is a high-quality fuel for furnaces, as it is characterized by an excellent energy density. The burn period is 80 seconds, and this is a lot. In addition, this type of fuel is a “monopolist” in the field of using a trolley with a stove. No other transportation that moves can not lead. Get coal in Minecraft from Y. Ore,

by the way, very common. So find it won’t be a big deal. It’s enough to roam under the earth, over rocks, in caves. At this time, one block of ore is equal to one part of y. But, the gun was blown away by Kirk, it was quite possible than one to get as many as four pieces. As a rule, ore can be found in groups of five blocks, but clusters and more are found in caves.

Coal, if desired, can be stored in Minecraft. To do this, you need to do it. block. You can make it on a regular nine-section workbench. Woody, whom we will talk about in the next paragraph, is not suitable for this purpose. In addition to compactness, blocks have another big plus – with them you can melt more objects than with separate pieces. Keep in mind that in Minecraft you can always break it back into pieces.

Why is charcoal needed?

Woody In terms of its properties, it is almost no different from ordinary stone. Attentive readers already know what the most useful of the latter in Minecraft is, but also trees have their own added value. Yes, wood is easier to find, and this easily facilitates the problem of surviving the first night. To make 1 unit.,

you need a tree block as a raw material source, and 1 more like fuel for mirroring. You may ask, why do you need a paint transformation from one material to another? After all, the wood in Minecraft and him really caught fire. Everything is simple.

The burning time of one piece of wood is 15 seconds. At the same time, one and a half units of raw materials are melted. But from the same wooden unit you can make four boards. And each of them interprets one and a half units of raw materials. And if you find the time and scream from the wood of the same tree., then you can pay for more than eight items! This is math in Minecraft.

W. Minecraft functions as a component when crafting objects such as:

  • Torch. Also need a stick.
  • Fire ball. Other ingredients are powder and fiery powder.

Today we will talk about how to make charcoal in “Minecraft”. One of the most important factors for survival can be called light, because aggressive monsters in bright rooms do not appear, and friendly tend to such places. The easiest way to determine the character of the illumination is to create a sufficient number of torches. They are made of coal and wood.


There are 2 ways to produce coal. First of all, you can get it with Kirk’s help. However, at the start of the game, in the absence of coal ore in the vicinity of the coal ore, which goes to the surface (which is the most common), it should not be lowered underground in an attempt to extract the necessary elements without tools. and a set of torches.

There is a second way. We can get coal using stoves and wood. So, we produce this element. We need four or five wooden blocks, which must be found nearby. We make from them the boards you need. To do this, put it in the character window, or rather one of the 4 “craft” cells (create objects). From the pair of boards received, eight sticks are produced. For this purpose, we place the original item in the window ” Make a stove. We have 8 cobblestone blocks on the workbench. In the middle we leave a hole.


how to make charcoal in minecraft

Next, to solve the question, how to make coal in “Minecraft”, cut some trees. In this case, part of the block is processed on the board. We will use it as fuel. Open the stove interface, put the largest number of boards in the bottom cell. Enter the wood. We wait until the source element turns into coal. Just that. Now you know how to make “Minecraft” charcoal. Note that only the name is distinguished from the usual. So, we have a little bit of the desired substance, make a torch from it, align it with a stick. Go to the Kraft window and place these elements on top of the others. Make pickles from cobblestones and sticks.

Let’s go to the road

charcoal in minecraft

We went to a nearby cave for the quest, as well as the extraction of the necessary coal ore. Take the pick-up and torch with you. Note that, solving the question, how to make charcoal in “Minecraft”, should not be buried too deep. So, we investigated the cave taking with us part of the previously extracted tree. So we answered another important question about the game “Minecraft”: How to make coal. You should experience the advice described in practice.

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